In the early phases of treating sleep apnea, CPAP mask intolerance also known as CPAP mask failure can develop for a number of reasons. If you want to reap the numerous benefits of using continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), it …

The Causes of CPAP Mask Failure and How to Prevent Them. Read more »

A continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine softly breathes pressured air into a child’s nose at a pressure sufficient to keep the child’s throat and airway open. Your child’s doctor or sleep specialist will conduct tests and monitoring to determine …

Using Pediatric CPAP Machines? Read more »

In the US, sleep apnea is high on the list of the most frequent sleep disorders. Sleep apnea, characterized by irregular breathing patterns during sleep, can have a devastating effect on a person’s ability to get a good night’s rest …

Does a CPAP Machine Need to be Prescribed? Read more »

Sleep apneas, or pauses in breathing, are a common cause of brief awakenings. If you wake up frequently during the night, even if it’s just for a few minutes at a time, you may not be getting the quantity of …

CPAP Vs. APAP; Which Should You Use? Read more »