Best 10 Medical Treatment Alternatives for Sleep Apnea

Billions of people are struggling with sleep apnea symptoms, but only a few are making attempts to treat the sleep disorder. Often, we see people snore loudly, open their mouths to breathe when sleeping, wake up at intervals with cough, gasping, and choking, or can’t even sleep without using sleeping pills.
Those are the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea. Meanwhile, the symptoms of sleep apnea are not limited to those mentioned above. Severe obstructive sleep apnea comes with many risk factors that result in life-threatening complications like high blood pressure, daytime sleepiness, diabetes, reduced blood oxygen levels, weight loss, daytime fatigue, depression, heart disease, and more.
As you might have also noticed, it is better to attempt credible treatment options for sleep apnea becomes a problem and stops your life. Untreated sleep apnea can lead to the termination of life in the long run.
Mild sleep apnea comes with bearable symptoms. However, once you notice any strange change in your breathing, we advise contacting your sleep specialist to get instant help. Depending on your financial capacity, you can visit the nearest sleep laboratory or invite an expert sleep specialist for home sleep apnea testing.
There are numerous treatment options when it comes to treating sleep apnea. We will enumerate ten other treatments besides the ones mentioned above. have you been diagnosed with sleep apnea syndrome? The below treatment alternatives will help you solve your sleep disorder and restore your normal sleep in the short term. You can also read more about the best sleep apnea solution by visiting
Best ten treatment alternatives for sleep apnoea
1. CPAP machine
Obstructive sleep apnea is when your throat muscles relax, and soft tissues block your airway. A continuous positive airway pressure machine is the most commonly used method for treating severe obstructive sleep apnea. CPAP machines push a steady stream of air through a mask you wear while you fall asleep. It keeps your airway open to prevent you from loud snoring and allows you to sleep better.

2. BiPAP machine
A bi-level positive airway pressure machine is like a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure because it provides air to open your airways. However, unlike Continuous Positive Airway Pressure therapy, a BiPAP does not always give the same constant pressure. As a result, some people with Continuous Positive Airway Pressure have trouble inhaling or exhaling with that steady pressure. Hence, the BiPAP gives you less air when breathing.

This machine treats sleep apnea and other sleep disorders such as insomnia. It is built to eradicate sleep-disordered breathing helping central sleep apnea patients to have a sound sleep all through the night.
3. ASV and other machines
The Adapto Servo Ventilation machine adapts and adjusts airflow based on your breathing. In addition, the variable positive airway pressure machine gives you different amounts of air pressure during your breathing process. All the choices in Positive Airway Pressure machines can be daunting, including getting comfortable with straps and masks.
People suffering from mild obstructive sleep apnea syndrome will enjoy the service of this high-functioning machine. It also helps people who inherited narrowed airways due to family history.
The ASV and other airway pressure devices can help central sleep apnea patients get better sleep immediately at every using time.
4. Oral appliances
Positive Airway Pressure machines are more reliable at easing moderate sleep apnea. Still, some people with sleep apnea prefer oral appliances – also called mandibular advancement devices – as the best device to help them overcome obstructive sleep apnea.
Oral appliances are best recommended for moderate obstructive sleep apnea. A typical oral appliance device is easy to use. Many of its mouthpieces are designed to bring the jaw forward to open the airway. Others hold their tongue in place.
This treatment option works magic for those who find it challenging to fall asleep at night. In addition, your doctor will likely recommend this treatment if you have been diagnosed with severe sleep apnea.
5. Weight loss
Scientists have found a direct connection between obstructive sleep apnea and obesity. Research showed that fat deposits in the upper airway could limit airflow and keep throat muscles from doing their job. As a result, researchers consider weight loss through exercise, attention to diet, and medication as promising tools for treating obstructive sleep apnea.
Maintaining the right weight is also an excellent way to prevent sleep apnea. Mainly, people develop sleep apnea because they can control their tongues.
6. The nasal decongestant
Sleep apnea occurs in people when there is a blockage in the airways when sleeping. by implication, people with sleep apnea may overcome their trouble with a simple nasal decongestant. A nasal decongestant can help open up your airways and make breathing easier.
It will generously free your throat, helping you sleep without disturbing your bed partner with loud snoring. In addition, a nasal decongestant is a cost-effective way to get your sleep apnea treated without complications.
7. Upper airway stimulation

Your medic may suggest upper airway stimulation (UAS) to overcome sleep apnea symptoms. A small electrical device is put in the chest, below the skin, and above the ribs. Not only that, it includes an electrode linked to the nerve that controls the throat muscles. A small electrical charge will stimulate your tongue to clear your airway when sleeping, making breathing easier.
8. Surgery
The last alternative for sleep apnea is surgery. The most common is known as uvulopalatopharyngoplasty. Surgeons remove the soft tissue at the back of your soft palate, which may damage your tonsils and uvula.
9. Switch position
Many people who prefer sleeping on their backs snore loudly and struggle with sleep apnea symptoms. Sleep positional therapy gets you to sleep in other ways. Although, you may wear something on your back or around your waist to encourage you to sleep on your side. Also, some devices are built to remind you to turn over by vibrating gently.
10. Stop taking alcohol
Alcohol can aggravate the symptoms of sleep apnea. A drink before bedtime may cause obstructive sleep apnea. Too much alcohol drinks can also lead to a narrow airway, making sleep apnea episodes longer.
Final Words
When you are diagnosed and ready to treat sleep apnea, you have many curative options. Once your sleep doctor conducts a sleep study and finds out you have developed some blockages that can cause you to stop breathing when sleeping, He would suggest any of the above-listed effective treatments according to the result obtained in the sleep laboratory.